Saturday, September 13, 2014

6 Tips to Get More Subscribers on YouTube Channel Faster

Like creating the video, Getting subscribers on YouTube is also the tougher job.   May it is easily possible for the famous celebrities, But for the common person, mainly for the new comers lot of factors only determine the amount of the subscribers to visit your videos. There are many points to make your video reach the top list of the searching page, For those you have to enhance your video more.  In order to get 1000+ subscribers for your YouTube channel, you have to follow few tips given below:

6 Tips to Get More Subscribers on Youtube:

1. Use social networks

     You can use the popular social media’s like Twitter, Digg, Vodpod, 9Gag and Facebook to make your video popular  about your YouTube channel. Post videos there and get people to ‘like’ and ‘tweet’ your content.  Make your video visible to the public. If you want to promote yourself then do not make it private.  Facebook is the main media what you concern about. You can get more visits instantly by uploading videos in to your own personal Facebook page or on Your Facebook fan page. You will see the result back within few minutes.

2. Upload Long Description

     Descriptions are the main part you have to focus on, they will determine the information about the the content of the video what you are upload, it will create the good impression among the people. The description of your video is also used by YouTube to determine where to place your videos in the search results, so having a description with more keywords in and a longer one will help achieve better rankings and therefore increase your YouTube views. Without a properly optimized description, your video won’t get more subscribers even it contains the good quality.


3. Proper Tags/Keywords

     Other than the description, you need to focus on the keywords and the tags. There are many keyword tools available free in the internet to give you ideas of tags and keywords for you to target. Otherwise you can get the ideas from the type on the youtube search tab during the uploading process.  Ensure you add as many acceptable tags that are accurate and related in some way to your video.

4. Make High Quality Videos

    In order to get more subscribers, you need to upload quality videos so your viewers have a good reason to subscribe to your channel.  If your video miss in the quality(setting 240p), you have to lose the chance of new audience to subscribe to your channel. Better upload the video in the HD. Ezvid is HD and is a free video maker for YouTube so in a sense it uploads finished videos straight to YouTube.  Ezvid is easy to use and make your video load faster.

5. Choose The Right Thumbnail

     You have to concern about the thumbnails that is we click on is what we see visually. It will reflects what your video is about and is related to the content.  The thumbnail image of your video is what a lot of people look at when searching for videos, so make sure when you are choosing a picture to use that is highly related to your video content as much as possible, and will get the user interested in watching the video.  Thumbnails can also make a big difference in the amount of views your videos get on YouTube.


6. Video title

     Another bigger task is to choose the title of your video. it might be complex or too long.  My rule is to keep it basic and use the YouTube auto-complete to name the video.  Try to choose the catchy attractive name . Better do the research what kind of title will attract more people.

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